
PlanPILOT Offering OCIO Search Services

If your company or non-profit is looking to outsource Chief Investment Officer services, you aren’t alone. Demand for Outsourced Chief Investment Officer (OCIO) services has skyrocketed, particularly among non-profits, driven largely by a strong desire by asset owners to increase returns. According to a 2016 Outsourced-Chief Investment Officer Survey, 41% of respondents currently outsource or plan to outsource in the next 12 months, and 70% of OCIOs granted full discretion over manager selection, compared to just 39% last year. PlanPILOT now offers OCIO search services to help you find the right provider.

The question is, why are OCIO services in greater demand than ever?

How to Select Target Date Funds for Your Retirement Plan

Target date funds are popular options for employer-sponsored retirement plans. As the name suggests, target date funds are chosen based on the estimated year you plan to retire. For example, an employee who is about 14 years away from retirement would choose a 2030 target date fund. In this type of fund, the investment strategy is tailored to be more aggressive the further you are from retirement and become more conservative as you get closer to your “target date”.

Five Steps to Ensure Financial Wellness for Your Employees

You’ve probably heard the term “financial wellness” being thrown around in business circles, as a way for individuals to describe a sense of financial security, of understanding their financial options, and building a monetary foundation in order to pursue future goals. But what ways can you, as plan sponsors, ensure financial wellness for your employees?

Five Actions Plan Sponsors Should Take Now

At PlanPILOT, we assist clients in not only achieving their goals and satisfying their fiduciary responsibilities today but in continually looking ahead to ensure a dynamic plan and benefit. The industry and the role of retirement plans are evolving so swiftly that, while plan sponsors don’t need to be cutting edge, they do need to take steps to keep up with the changes. The last thing you want is to wake up one day and realize that your plan is stuck in the past.

How Will the DOL Fiduciary Rule Affect Plan Sponsors?

In April, the US Department of Labor (DOL) released the long-awaited and highly contested final rule redefining who is considered a fiduciary under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). This revision was designed to address conflicts of interest in retirement advice by applying the fiduciary standard more broadly, to include everyone who provides investment advice to sponsors and participants in defined contribution workplace retirement plans and individual retirement accounts (IRAs). How will the DOL fiduciary rule affect plan sponsors?