Evaluating Your Plan’s Recordkeeper

Your fiduciary responsibility to your plan participants includes periodically evaluating your plan’s recordkeeper to ensure their processes facilitate the correct execution and reporting of transactions, adherence to federal and state regulations, in addition to the reasonableness of fees in relation with the quality of services provided. With that said, it is important to periodically assess your current recordkeeper. Learn more about the role a plan recordkeeper plays and some of the factors plan sponsors should consider when choosing and evaluating a recordkeeper.

Avoid These Common Plan Sponsor Mistakes

Once you’ve done the tough work of creating and implementing a retirement plan for your organization, you might assume that it’ll be smooth sailing from this point on. But the ongoing management of a well-functioning retirement plan can be far more challenging than it may seem. With so many different moving parts, it’s not unusual for things to fall through the cracks, even for the most meticulous plan sponsors. Learn more about some of the most common plan sponsor mistakes and how to avoid them.

Do You Think It Might Be Time To Change Your 401(k) Provider?

You’ve taken the leap to offer a 401(k) plan for your employees. It’s an added expense and takes administrative hours, but you know that it is well worth the increase in employee well-being and the benefits it provides in recruiting.

But how is your 401(k) doing? Is it everything you dreamed it would be, or are you still unsatisfied? If the customer service, fees, or investment performance are leaving you unsettled, it might be time to change your 401(k) provider.

How To Select and Monitor Service Providers for Your Employee Benefit Plan

As a retirement plan sponsor, you know that you have a big responsibility. Most plan sponsors find that the responsibility of running a plan and keeping it compliant with federal law is beyond the scope of their interest and skill level. Luckily, there are many service providers and other professionals that can help you fulfill your duties.