
PlanPILOT leverages our industry knowledge with client plan demographics to discover the best means to educate and advise our clients’ employees. In many cases, we have discovered that education campaigns developed by recordkeepers fall well short of desired results, and yet capital continues to be expended to send these same messages to participants, year after year. The participants are ultimately paying for this education, and reshaping the recordkeeper’s communication campaign can have significant benefits.

Our approach to participant education begins with gaining an understanding of our client’s highest priorities and identifying the most critical participant saving and investment gaps that need to be addressed.  Our assessment includes the foresight regarding the impact of committee decisions on the participants’ ability to achieve a dignified retirement.  This strong connectivity requires a thoughtful approach to developing a comprehensive education program to target our client’s most critical needs.

PlanPilot is committed to delivering tailored participant education solutions with thoughtful strategic planning, valuable professional services and technology-based solutions that result in sustained client and employee satisfaction.  Through initiative and follow-through, we help our clients find answers, implement solutions and anticipate consequences.

Services in this area include:

  • Development of a Comprehensive Education Program
  • Strategic Assistance to Enhance the Recordkeeper’s Communication Programs
  • Customized Presentations and Communication Materials
  • Developing and Monitoring Model Allocations
  • Risk Tolerance Questionnaires/Surveys
  • Coordinating Investment Advice and Financial Planning Services