One of the most crucial tasks for modern human resources professionals is providing an attractive benefits package to employees. Retirement savings, pensions and health plans provide enormous value to existing workers and prospective talent, but administering these benefits also comes with strong administrative and even regulatory challenges. Organizations that decide to act as retirement plan sponsors and offer such plans have several key responsibilities to keep in mind.
The Evolving Cybersecurity Landscape
Defend Your Retirement Plan From Cyberattacks
Unfortunately, falling victim to a cybersecurity attack is becoming increasingly common. It seems that at least once a week, another major company has fallen prey to the persistence of cyberattackers. Retirement plans are notorious targets for these attacks because they involve a high volume of sensitive information that is invaluable to criminals with malicious intent. Plan participant and financial information is generally shared with many different parties, making it more vulnerable to such threats. Retirement plan cybersecurity is crucial. We will discuss current risks as well as some useful tips for protecting your plan participants’ information.