
Senior Consultant Chris Garrison Quoted in NBOA

Independent schools are special places, solely focused on their mission of helping others. Employees of independent schools work there because it’s the lifestyle they have chosen, not to get rich. Their 403(b) plan is essential to their financial security and likely their largest asset. When it comes to saving and investing for retirement, schools understand their employees need more help.

PlanPILOT was pleased to contribute to the National Business Officers Association’s NetAssets magazine in a roundtable discussion to help CFOs and Business Officers understand the CARES Act.

Evaluating Your Plan’s Recordkeeper

Your fiduciary responsibility to your plan participants includes periodically evaluating your plan’s recordkeeper to ensure their processes facilitate the correct execution and reporting of transactions, adherence to federal and state regulations, in addition to the reasonableness of fees in relation with the quality of services provided. With that said, it is important to periodically assess your current recordkeeper. Learn more about the role a plan recordkeeper plays and some of the factors plan sponsors should consider when choosing and evaluating a recordkeeper.

Help Participants Stay On Course in Turbulent Times

The recent stock market turbulence associated with the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has been described as a crash, a “meltdown,” and a “disaster.” Even investors who are committed to staying the course can find it hard to overcome the uncertainty of what lies ahead. Plan sponsors can help participants to stay the course by reminding them that short-term market fluctuations, even unprecedented ones, should not affect their long-term investment goals. Learn more about what plan sponsors should do to calm jittery participants and help them stay on course.

Securing Retirement Plans: Cybersecurity Best Practices

Trillions of dollars are held in US retirement accounts, according to the Investment Company Institute. This tremendous value in assets is a tempting target for those seeking to compromise personal data or gain access to these accounts. And with plan participants becoming increasingly reliant on mobile apps and online platforms to access and monitor their retirement funds, it seems that more cyberattacks on retirement plans are inevitable in our digital world. Plan sponsors and their fiduciaries should consider taking proactive steps to protect their participants and their plan assets. We review retirement plans cybersecurity best practices that plan sponsors should consider to adhere to safeguard against cyberattacks.

Benefits of an OCIO Search Consultant

The outsourced chief investment officer (OCIO) model continues to expand in its adoption and complexity. Nearly $2 trillion in assets are under OCIO management and is expected to grow significantly. There are many reasons it can make sense to outsource your chief investment officer (CIO) functions and duties, but finding the right OCIO manager is not an easy task. This is why it’s expected—and highly recommended—to partner with an OCIO search consultant who can guide both the Board of Directors and the Investment Committee through the selection process. Learn more about the key qualities of an OCIO search consultant and how your organization can benefit from a well-vetted consultant.