Why I Became A Financial Advisor

By Mark Olsen, Managing Director at PlanPILOT

When it came time for me to choose a career path, I knew that whatever job I pursued needed to be in line with my passions. Most importantly, I wanted to serve others; to help people in a tangible way and add value to their lives. Working in the financial world checked both of those boxes, and now, more than 25 years later, I’m still just as passionate about what I do!

Join Us For Our Client Appreciation Event: “Comfortable Being Uncomfortable”

By Mark Olsen, Senior Consultant at PlanPILOT

What one word would you use to describe 2020? Painful? Unexpected? Worrisome? Uncomfortable? It’s been all those things and more, but trials also bring about opportunities if you are willing to look for them. We acknowledge that the challenges and opportunities 2020 has presented extend well beyond your retirement plan, and we’d like to be a resource however we can.That’s why we are hosting an online interactive client workshop on November 18th from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. CST to help you become comfortable with everything in life causing discomfort right now. Jason Barnaby of Firestarters Inc. and PlanPILOT’s senior consultant, Mark Olsen, will show us how to pivot so you can finish 2020 strong and start 2021 even stronger. 

How Do Social and Health Changes Impact Investments?

Recent health and social events are increasing the attention on ESG (environmental, social, and governmental) impact investing in OCIO (Outsourced Chief Investment Officer) management. Their definition, the methods available for executing them, as well as their utilization are expanding. It is increasingly important to match the beliefs and strategies of your OCIO provider with those of your institution and its constituents on this important and timely topic.

Join Plan Pilot’s Senior Consultant Frank Szymanek with three subject matter experts as he gains real-life insights on the more recent evolution, current return & risk benefits, and implementation considerations of ESG in OCIO assignments. 

Increase Employee Participation in Your Retirement Plan

A retirement savings account is one of the most sought-after benefits an employer can offer. However, plan sponsors can sometimes struggle to effectively communicate a plan’s benefits to employees in ways that boost engagement and enrollment. Don’t let your plan wither on the vine; follow these seven key steps plan sponsors can take to increase employee participation in your retirement plan.