Five Ways to Effectively Promote Employee Financial Wellness

Research from Northwestern Mutual’s Planning & Progress Study revealed that a solid third of all American adults have less than $5,000 put aside for their golden years. One of the biggest contributing factors to this low retirement savings rate is the lack of financial knowledge and general practice of saving, budgeting and investing. According to the American Psychological Association, money is reported to be a top source of significant stress among Americans. When people struggle to save for short-term emergencies, they’re unlikely to prioritize saving for retirement—which, for many, is an amorphous concept that may be decades away. Without education on how to avoid debt, select investments, or prioritize saving for retirement, employees may feel ill-suited to make their own investment decisions, even when it comes to taking advantage of the employer match. As a result, employers who promote employee financial wellness on a holistic basis are far more likely to see increased participation in workplace benefit programs.